Hello! I have recently updated my blog with new pages.
You can see them above, under my photo

One page is a general presentation about my painting classes, to watch it click here.
           Please feel free to contact to me by mail for any further information;

Another page lists some of my favourite artists, with useful links to be inspired, click here!
Many of them are contemporary artists that share their tips, or you can watch them paint on youtube.

The pages with my Artist Statement and Recent works have to be finished yet ...
 I hope this way to give my readers some more information about me - 
let me know what you think, and if you would like to know something else.

Enjoy the process!

Statue of Nettuno, detail - watercolour on paper Fabriano Artistico 300 gsm

As I've finished teaching most workshops for this year, 
I finally have time to go through all the impressions and memories.
 I feel lucky to meet so many interesting and wonderful persons from different countries, 
sharing my passion in watercolour painting!
I really enjoy every single painting session, and I hope - I feel - most students do, as well.
The hard part is to decide how much theory I should teach 
- I'd really want to invite everybody to just enjoy the moment: 
the fluidity of the watercolours, the incredible colours that emerge from the the washes
 and some accidental happy surprises.
The nature of watercolour includes accepting also unplanned results!
Of course some basic knowledge is necessary - but then I think you should just...
Enjoy the process!

The painting above is an example of an unplanned painting, a happy coincidence?!

a sunset wash on paper 300 gsm

The background  wash started out as a demonstration of fluid painting 
during an inspiring sunset painting session in August. 
The result was similar to this one above.
 As usual, I didn't have time to finish it in any way, but as I liked the colours I kept it for another moment.
Some time ago it emerged amongst other washes and paintings,
 while I was watching photos of statues from Florence... and...
Suddenly this detail of the statue of Nettuno hit me -  a moment of inspiration 
- and the painting was done!

Yes, in this case I worked in a quite unusual way, 
since I adapted the painting to a previously painted background.
Fortunately there was light (white) in almost all the right spots, 
but not everthing worked pefectly well.
To get the three dimensional look, 
I had to adapt  the position of the figure to the background.
Compared to the real statue I also made some simplifications.
Did you notice which?!
 I added some structure, a hint of the wall behind, on the right part, and that's what I like less. 
Probably I should try to wash it away...
Anyway, I'm quite satisfied with this experiment, and think that maybe I could paint something else adapting these finishes and colours?

Changing the colors for a different atmosphere!!

'A corner of Tuscany - red sky' - 28x38 cm Fabriano artistico 300gsm

If you  saw my previous post about the watercolor workshop when I painted the first version of 
 'A Corner of Tuscany', this is the same house... 
As I was waiting for the first painting to dry, I started a new one.
I usually like to change something when I paint a new version, this time I decided for a red sky.

Obviously I also had to change the other colors.
As you can see the tree is purple,
but for the plants in the pots I decided for a cool green shade, 
because I felt that I needed some contrast to all the warm colors.

It's not easy to show all the shades of color in a photo, 
but if you look at both photos you can see how the atmosphere changed!

I'd love to know what you think, which version do you prefer?!

Loose Landscape Painting

A corner of Tuscany - Fattoria Poggiopiano 2016

The last years I have concentrated on loosing up my paintings. 
It has been a lot of work: experimenting, making mistakes...
A lot of fun, 
but also frustrating when you don't achieve satisfying results...

Obviously I started with my favourite subject, florals.
I also aimed to capture the movement of cyclists, in an abstract way (more here).
To get a different approach to landscape painting I attended a one day workshop with  
Italian Watercolor Artist Luciano Boscaini. 


 It is always interesting to see other artists work and I got practical advice and examples that I also love to share to my students.
For example about soft and hard edges , and letting  color  bleed - like you see on the roof (detail above).
This is something I love to use, AND VERY IMPORTANT when you wish to LOOSEN UP your paintings!
But until you see it from real, you don't really get it!
(I'll prepare a tutorial on this, soon)
He's definitely not for beginners, and also the level of the other participating artists was high!

I had a great time, and actually painted 3 paintings,

- I just can't stop painting, so in order not to overwork, I usually start a new one while the first is drying! -

so I'll prepare  more photos soon!

How to paint a landscape !

28x38 cm A House in Tuscany

As I promised I have a lot of photos for you :
Easy step by step instructions how to paint a watercolor landscape.
Come promesso:
Sotto trovi il procedimento passo passo per dipingere un paesaggio con gli acquerelli.

First draw the subject - then start with the lightest colors...
Comincia con il disegno - poi i colori più chiari...

Keep blocking in colors - remember to save some white and lights!
Aggiungi i colori con pochi dettagli -  ricordati di conservare del bianco e dei punti luce!

  Take a break! It's always good to stop for a while ...
 Prenditi una pausa! E sempre bene soffermarsi un attimo...

 - then add the darkest shadows and details!
See the (almost) finished painting on top and let me know if this helped you?!
To see a floral step by step go here or here!
- poi le ombre e gli ultimi dettagli più scuri! 
Vedi il dipinto (quasi) finito in alto e fammi sapere se questo ti è stato utile?!
Per vedere come dipingo i fiori vedi qui o qui!

Let's paint more together at Ancora del Chianti EcoBB & Art Retreat in Tuscany !

Painting in Tuscany!

Fabriano artistico watercolor paper 300 gsm 28x38cm

Painting a Tuscan corner ... Such a beautiful place!
Un bellissimo angolo di Toscana !

Blocking in the lightest colors... then adding the middle values...
La stesura dei primi colori... poi i verdi...

 - and the final details
 - gli ultimi ritocchi.

Inspiring watercolours! Acquerelli per ispirare!

I've been busy painting and with workshops, and once again it's a looong time since I showed any watercolours! But I've been working a lot the last months so soon there will be more to see!
E stato un periodo intenso, ho dipinto e lavorato tanto ma ho  presto mostrerò altri miei lavori!

This particular painting was a lot of fun exploring the negative spaces 
during the workshop with my friend and one of my teachers, swedish artist Monica Mansson one week ago!
To learn how to do the negative painting, go to vinca-rosea-step-by-step.
Mi sono divertita tanto a realizzare questo studio (e altri)  dei spazi negativi
 partecipando al workshop di Monica Mansson, artista svedese, amica e una dei miei insegnanti! 
Per vedere come dipingere al negativo vai a  vinca-rosea-step-by-step.

Painting outdoors is always so peaceful and relaxing!

Dipingere dal vero e en plein air è sempre bellissimo!

More summer flowers! - Ancora fioriture estive!

 28x38cm on fabriano artistico 300gsm

I have a lot of sunshine at my front door, so one of the few flowers that can get along in this area in the summer is hibiscus -that I love! 
This year it's orange, last year it was yellow if you like to see the painting click on the link yellow hibiscus here!
Il sole scotta sulla mia porta d'ingresso; d'estate ci campano pochi fiori - una è l'ibisco!
Quest'anno è arancione, l'anno scorso era giallo, se vuoi vedere il dipinto, clicca qui!

It's finally summer! - Finalmente estate!

Pelargonium rosso - 18x25cm

With this small sketch from my garden I just want to wish a lovely summer to everybody! 
June and May has been quite cool months this year, but now with July the summer is here!

Un saluto dal mio giardino e un bellissimo estate a tutti!
Dopo un maggio e giugno piuttosto freschi, finalmente luglio ci porta l'estate!

Sea, summer and sun! - Sole, mare, estate!

I already published this painting on fb, but I really wanted to write a post as well...
This painting is from a photo, and I really wanted to simplify much more, but was afraid that it wouldn't have been appreciated by the receiver!? It's hard to paint for someone else ... 
Also - it's a beautiful photo - but not mine, so I couldn't put too much emotions into the subject.

Fortunately I love the process, but...
I painted 3 versions before I was happy - How do you handle these situations?
( see previous post on watercolor lessons and  'enjoy painting' here )

Castelsardo, Sardegna 28x35 cm

Ho già pubblicato questo foto su fb, ma volevo anche scrivere un  post...
Dipingere su commissione, da una foto come in questo caso, è sempre difficile...
Avrei voluto semplificare di più, ma avevo paura di non accontentare il committente?!

Inoltre la foto, anche se molto bella, non era mia, quindi non poteva suscitare troppe emozioni in me. Per fortuna dipingere mi diverte sempre, ma -
ho dipinto 3 versioni prima di accontentarmi. Voi come fate in questi casi?!
( leggi  qui  il post precedente su lezioni di pittura e 'divertirsi dipingendo')

Cyclamen 2nd part - Ciclamini 2a parte

Ciclamini 28x38 cm, carta Fabriano artistico 300gr

Cyclamen, A loose floral painting from this winter
(you can see the process here in my earlier post).
This time I'm happy with how I kept the white for the light
 - even if I think that a terracotta pot could do a nice contrast! 
Have to wait for the autumn to get fresh flowers again!

Ciclamini, l'ho dipinto quest'inverno
(per vedere il processo nel mail precedente clicca qui ).
Questa volta sono contenta di aver conservato tanto bianco per dare luce 
- anche se penso che riproverò con dei vasi in terracotta.
Aspetterò i fiori freschi l'autunno prossimo!

Cyclamen 1st part - Ciclamini parte 1

Close up - Dettaglio 

. I started very loose and wet-in-wet making sure to preserve some white areas for contrast.

Ho iniziato con il bagnato su bagnato, avendo cura di conservare del bianco.

More details... I'll upload the final painting soon - have to take a new photo! 

- Altri dettagli... A breve  invierò la foto del dipinto finito (è venuto sfocato!)

P.S. The finished painting is here.
Ps.  vedi il dipinto finito qui!

Chianti Poesia

I'm sharing this link with a short presentation of me in italian
the blog of Leonardo Manetti, a local poet and blogwriter.

A chi interessa, può leggere una mia breve presentazione
il blog di Leonardo Manetti, il poeta del Chianti!

Vinca Rosea Step-by-step

Negative painting
Dipingere in negativo

One way to paint light flowers is by negative painting... Here is a step-by-step demonstration.
Per dipingere i fiori chiari, a volte uso il metodo di pittura al negativo...
Sotto vi dimostro come procedo.

I start by a first wash wet-in wet. I just put down the lightest colours that I want to blend together. I also added  the central part of the flowers.

Il primo passo è una stesura bagnato su bagnato. Qui uso i colori più chiari che devono sfumare insieme. Ho anche aggiunto la parte centrale del fiore.

When the paper is dry, I start with the dark parts and shadows, just painting the OUTLINE of flowers and  leaves, blending the colour outwards ...

Quando la carta è asciutta, comincio a delimitare i fiori e le foglie dipingendo il contorno esterno e sfumando in fuori...

Just continue until you reach the contrast that makes the flowers stand out - this is negative painting!

Si continua fino al contrasto voluto per fare risaltare i fiori - 

 this is negative painting, and this technique is used commonly in watercolours. I hope you liked this tutorial !

 questa è la tecnica al negativo, si usa spesso nell'acquarello. Spero ti sia piaciuta!

Abstract landscapes 2 - Paesaggi astratti 2

Simplifying even more - just the horizon and colour washes...

Semplificando ancora - solo colore e orizzonte...

Sunset and backlight...

Tramonto e controluce...

And what about this - can you see a landscape here?!

E questo cosa sarà - ci vedi un paesaggio?!

Abstract landscapes - Paesaggi astratti

  Just some small abstract landscape studies from this winter. 
My purpose was to simplify the shapes and play with the colours.

Alcuni piccoli paesaggi astratti dipinti quest'inverno.
Lo scopo era di semplificare le forme, giocando con i colori.

As you might see, I was inspired by... olive grooves at sunset.

Forse si può vedere che sono stata ispirata dagli uliveti al tramonto...

I think it's also clear in which order I painted these?!

Credo si possa capire anche la successione dei dipinti?!

Last but not least! - L'ultimo è il 'Primo'!

Primo! watercolour 28x38cm 

Ok, this is the last cyclist painting that I'm sharing - for now! 
 I'm moving on to another project for a while.
If you want to see other cyclists click here and here and here.
L'ultimo ciclista che mostrerò - per adesso - è ''Primo!'',
adesso ho un altro progetto in mente...
Per vedere altri ciclisti vai qui, qui e qui.

Cyclists in Chianti - Ciclisti nel Chianti

 watercolor 28x38cm on 300 grs 100% cotton paper

Another study of cyclists - starting to be an obsession? 
Well, when I get an idea I want to develop it further, and still have to improve ... 
Any suggestions?
if you want to see other cyclists click here and here 
Ancora ciclisti - devo ancora sviluppare questa idea e migliorare...
Qualche suggerimento?
per vedere altri ciclisti vai qui e qui


watercolour 28x38 cm

My very first Bicycles painting- inspired by L'Eroica, 
the cycling event hold in Chianti in October every year.
If you want to see another cyclists pinting click here.
Ispirata da L'Eroica ho dipinto il primo paesaggio con ciclisti...
Cliccare qui per vedere un altro dipinto con ciclisti.

Cyclists - Ciclisti

Racing in Chianti -Corse nel Chianti- 
28x38cm watercolour on Fabriano 300gr paper

I wanted to capture the atmosphere and the movement of bicycle races.
In Spring the roads of Chianti are full of bicycle riders...

In primavera le nostre strade sono piene di ciclisti. 
Qui ho voluto catturare l'atmosfera e il movimento di una corsa di ciclismo...

Starting again! Ricomincio!

I haven't been posting for a LOOONG time.
 I have been feeling that I am on a turning point, not happy with what I'm painting.
I've been experimenting, doing abstract, trying other mediums as well.
I didn't find any answers - 
but I'm absolutely enjoying the process of doing arts 
- and teaching
So I decided to start sharing my work again and
Hope you enjoy some of it!

E da tanto tempo che non condivido i miei lavori - ma adesso lo farò e scriverò anche in italiano!
Non sono stata - e non lo sono ancora - contenta dei miei lavori, 
ma ho dipinto e sperimentato varie tecniche. 
Adesso posso dire che la procedura del creare arte per me è fondamentale e piacevolissimo
- così come l'insegnare,
 è ricomincerò a condividere i miei lavori 
sperando che qualcuno vi piaccia!

Shadows... and tulips...- OMBRE

Painting 'black' tulips, I was more fascinated by the shadow... 
Probably that's why that turned out to be the best part of the painting!
I miei tulipani neri - ero più attratta  dall'ombra sul tavolo.
-Infatti è la parte che mi è riuscita meglio!