Inspiring watercolours! Acquerelli per ispirare!

I've been busy painting and with workshops, and once again it's a looong time since I showed any watercolours! But I've been working a lot the last months so soon there will be more to see!
E stato un periodo intenso, ho dipinto e lavorato tanto ma ho  presto mostrerò altri miei lavori!

This particular painting was a lot of fun exploring the negative spaces 
during the workshop with my friend and one of my teachers, swedish artist Monica Mansson one week ago!
To learn how to do the negative painting, go to vinca-rosea-step-by-step.
Mi sono divertita tanto a realizzare questo studio (e altri)  dei spazi negativi
 partecipando al workshop di Monica Mansson, artista svedese, amica e una dei miei insegnanti! 
Per vedere come dipingere al negativo vai a  vinca-rosea-step-by-step.

Painting outdoors is always so peaceful and relaxing!

Dipingere dal vero e en plein air è sempre bellissimo!


  1. Beautiful! The negative painting really pops out! Looking forward to seeing the other paintings too...
    Many greetings, Nele

    1. Hello Nele! Glad you like it!
      Sorry for my late response, I just noticed that the replies sent from on my phone don't show!
